Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nifty Banana Souffles in their Skins

Upon seeing these in a recipe book, at once I chose the next available breakfast to make them. I find myself making desserts many times for breakfast, but as no complaints are lodged, perhaps it isn't a bad idea! Another dessert I have made before for brekafats which comes to mind - I've made it thrice, to be honest - was the Grand Marnier Crepe Cake, a favourite of my lovely sister Catherine.

Anyway, I love souffles, and having never made banana souffle, I looked them up in my recipe book, and these came up. It remided me of when I made curry potatoes, where you halve the potatoes, scoop out the flesh, stir-fry the flesh with spices and then return it to the skin before baking them all and serving with sour cream.
I did result in a large quantity of left-over souffle mixture after this, so I made a big souffle for the next day's breakfast, since I had already served pre-made Apple Spice Bread alongside these little souffles for breakfast.

Note: The recipe only serves two people, as it is a dessert. I doubled the recipe, giving everyone one each (some fortunates recieved two), and the rest of their hunger was satisfied with another recipe of Apple Bread. So unless you are not serving these after dinner, I'd recommend pairing them with something more substantial!


Overall timing: 25 minutes
Serves: 2


4 Ripe Bananas
2 T Butter
6 T Sugar
2 T Rum
2 Large Eggs
2 T Confectioners' Sugar


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Make two lengthwise slits with a sharp knife at the top of each banana, leaving the skin joined at the stalk end. Roll back skin. Remove banana pulp with a teaspoon and place in a bowl. Mash well to a puree.
Put the banana puree into a saucepan with the butter, sugar, a few drops of vanilla and the rum. Cook for about 3 minutes over a low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat.
Separate eggs. Stir yolks into the banana mixture. Place pan in cold water to cool mixture quickly. Beat egg whites till firm, then lightly fold into cold banana mixture with a metal spoon.
Fill banana skins with mixture. Place on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar and serve immediately with pouring cream.

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